Free downloadable yoga lesson plan template
Are you sick of spending hours creating vinyasa yoga class plans? Grab mine for free and get a curated sequence, playlist, dharma points and meditation all in one.
Teach the "IT" class without planning a thing and get back 30 hours of your life!
Done for you yoga sequencing lesson plans
Spend more time playing and less time planning with 10 done - for - you vinyasa class plans that include sequences, playlists, anatomy, alignment, dharma and meditation instructions
Classes include themes such as:
- Backbending
- Balancing
- Twisting
- Core Strength
- Binding
- Lateral Bending
- Hip Opening
- Arm Balances
- And more!

If you teach yoga, then you know the crazy amount of time and creativity it takes to plan the perfect class.

I've been there, that's why I created this 10 pack of done-for-you vinyasa yoga classplans with everything you need to be a stand out teacher.
- You'll instantly save 30 hours of class planning
- If you're freshly out of training you'll look like you've been teaching yoga for decades
- If you're a seasoned teacher you'll add dozens of new sequences to your repertoire
You'll get 10 vinyasa yoga class plans with everything you need, from an inspiring open to the closing meditation.

Save over 20 hours of planning with these instant downloadable yoga class plans
I've been the new teacher, feeling totally overwhelmed with trying to plan classes, fresh out of training.
I've had a crazy, packed teaching schedule with 15 classes a week; feeling like I didn't have 5 minutes to myself, let alone the time to plan 15 original classes a week
I've sat there secretly wishing for a "yoga fairy godmother," who knew what they were doing, to plan my classes for me.
I've been teaching for over 15 years, have the highest level yoga certification available, have probably taught over 10 thousand classes, and I run my own teacher training.
I've taught to 700 people for Yoga Journal in Bryant Park, for Wellthily at events in the Hamptons, for Saks 5th Avenue's Wellery, and at my own retreats around the world.
I've also been featured on Yoga Journal.com, Yahoo.com, The Today Show and Self. com. Basically, I've been around the "yoga block."

But don't just take it from me