Do you ever feel like your life is all work and no play?
Lately I’ve been extremely guilty of spending way too much time at my computer, and not nearly enough time “playing.” Although I couldn’t be more grateful for building an international yoga brand and wellness business, I now realize how another aspect of life always suffers in order to meet our goals.
Since yoga is all about balance, and I don’t just mean in a handstand, I made a promise to myself that I’m now opting to work less, yet be more productive during that time. I realize I need more freedom to run around with my kids, hang with my husband, and not feel guilty when I do something just for ME.
Here are the top 5 ways I plan on doing more by doing less- Go ahead, give 'em a whirl!
1) Build Downtime into your schedule- for your family, your spouse, and yourself
I mean seriously, build it in- put it on your calendar or on your iphone, and treat it like any other appointment you’d commit to. Ask your kids how they’d like to spend time together as a family, and plan it. Call a sitter and have dinner with your spouse. Don’t just say you’ll relax on Saturday afternoon, actually map out how you’ll spend 2 hours alone, and do it.
2) Stop multi-tasking, and manage your time better
Organize tasks, keep a family calendar where everyone can see it, and do one thing at a time. Harvard reported that “multitasking increases the chances of making mistakes and missing important information and cues. Multi-taskers are less likely to retain information, which can hinder problem solving and creativity. Put down that iPhone, iMac, and iPad, and focus on one thing at a time- I know it’s hard, but your brain and boss will thank you.
3) Hire out tasks that are a time-suck
What zaps your time? This may sound crazy, but I like to clean my house. I love the immediate gratification of it, but I don’t have 5 hours a week to make each room sparkle. So, I have a wonderful woman who comes and cleans for me- I pay her nicely, but my time spent knocking out pages for the book I’m writing, or planning my teacher training, is worth more right now than taking the time to do it myself. Pick chores that keep you from tasks you need to do yourself, and instead of obsessing about what it will cost you, acknowledge what it’s costing you in time or energy NOT to pay for that service.
4) Move your butt
Is there anyone out there who can honestly say they don’t feel better when they exercise? I work out EVERY day, whether it’s 10 sun salutations or an hour spin class; and I know I’m more productive when I do. People who exercise on workdays are more productive, have more energy, are happier, suffer less stress, and performed significantly better on exercise days, according to a report by the University of Bristol. Wait, you’ll be more productive and happier- is it even a question to lace up those kicks? Don't have time? Everyone can find 20 minutes- so I purposely broke down my Xen Strength Yoga DVD< into 20-minute segments so you can pop it in before you jump in the shower- and you’re done!
5) Get on the “NO Train”
My business mentor, Marie Forleo is a huge fan of saying no, and climbing aboard this line has helped me tremendously. Whether it’s taking on an extra project at work, driving an extra leg of carpool, or having lunch with someone you’re not crazy about- all those little things you say yes to, equal a big NO to you having downtime.
“When you’re on the No Train, you allow “no” to be your initial response to new projects, new requests, new demands on your time. You don’t have to ride the No Train forever. Think of your time on the No Train a much needed business colonic.”
I promise, even if you add just one of the above tips to your life, you’ll find yourself less stressed, more balanced, and a whole lot happier!