What is it about having been a new yawker for 12 years that still makes me want to GO GO GO and DO DO DO 90% of the time? I’ve been practicing yoga for almost 15 years, and I know all about SLOWING down and turning in, and quieting the senses- but forgive me, I’m human- and I forget sometimes. That’s why at least once I year I kiss my family goodbye, pack up the 6 cd changer with an inspiring book, and hoof it to Kripalu.
Put on Your “Big Girl Pants!”
Last week, while working with a private client, I delivered the great news that she was ready to start working on an inversion other than shoulderstand. You’d think I told her we were about to jump out of a plane! Her body language completely changed, and suddenly she had a headache- so we couldn’t possibly start that day. Clearly the thought of turning upside-down scared the crap out of her; but we needed to dig a bit deeper before throwing the idea out completely. I asked her what it was exactly that got her knickers in a twist about flipping upside-down…
READ MORELive Like A Lotus
Last month I spent an idyllic day filming a video for my Xen Strength program. My husband, and old friends from MTV, came to direct and produce, and my new friends came to count my reps and tell me when my face was shiny. I felt extremely loved, and lucky to be in a position to move forward and share my enthusiasm for the new program I developed. I went to bed, exhausted from 8 hours of hard-core shooting, but with a smile on my face nonetheless…
READ MOREThe Reality of Perfection
A few years ago I was at the beach for the weekend, and as usual, came prepared with a cold bag full of provisions from Whole Foods- a habit for which I am continually mocked by my extended family. But that’s okay, if I had not brought my organic bacon that morning, I wouldn’t have learned a very important lesson on how the media has us fooled into believing “perfection is reality.”
READ MOREDetox Debunked
Lately I’ve been having a bit of “cabbage soup deja vu.” Maybe I’m dating myself, but surely you must remember the big diet craze in the; ’80s when people ate cabbage soup for a week and claimed to have lost 10lbs. Thousands of people jumped on the bandwagon looking for that magical weight loss plan, […]
READ MOREApplying the 80/20 Rule to Nutrition
I love pancakes, I do… buttermilk pancakes, blueberry pancakes, even corn pancakes. I have yet to meet a pancake I didn’t like; which along with my fondness for ice cream, can cause quite a problem if not kept in check. But I eat those things only 20% of the time; the other 80% I am […]
READ MOREBuilding A Solid Foundation for Your Pose
In preparation for the hip hop class I taught Saturday night, I listened to a ton of old school tracks and couldn’t help but notice they all had a very similar, steady, beat laid down before being layered with different riffs and vocals. It intrigued me enough to google it- and this is what the Berkley School of Music had to say…