I don’t know where you live, but we haven’t seen much of the sun in Jersey this year, so I was extremely excited to be outside filming this latest video for you. Yes, spring is the time we start to think about summer, which brings our wandering mind to the beach and possibly fitting into our favorite swimsuit. I don’t know about you, but I don’t tend to gain wait during the Winter- my problem is the daily ice cream at the pool club in the Summer! (this is from my favorite gelateria in Sienna)
I created this Spring Shape Up video for both of us- to either get back in shape and feel comfortable baring more skin, or in my case, to use during the summer to stay in shape and balance out my gelato habit- hey, you’ve gotta have some sort of a vice. I’ve been back in the studio shooting more instructional videos, and longer videos that you can download, so stay tuned in my upcoming newsletters to learn the proper alignment in poses, and then how to take it up a notch with weights.
You can check out my new video downloads HERE, one is a great cardio challenge, and the other opens your hips from every angle.
Have an incredible weekend; get out in the sun, smile, and sweat!
Have a wonderful rest of your day!
And remember, when you’re about to wimp out of your workout, ask yourself: “One hour from now, do I want to be SWEATY or SORRY?”