Finding yourself stressed or anxious, or just in a constant state of WTF? Here are my top 5 tips to stay fit – both mentally and physically. Remember to try and create a routine and actually plug time for these into your daily calendar or they might not get done.
5 Tips for Practicing Yoga at Home
You slept through your alarm for the 6am, you were driving carpool during the 9:30 am, and now your boss wants you to stay late and you’ll miss the last yoga class of the day. Sound familiar? There is something so energizing about practicing yoga surrounded by others, in a class at your favorite studio, […]
I’d never use the #thighgap hashtag when talking about a workout, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t work on keepin’ everything below my waist tight. But I, like I’m assuming you, don’t have all day to spend at the gym using all the fancy machines that each specifically focus on one area […]
READ MOREXenSculpt ( That yoga butt video)
Oh, the infamous yoga butt. It’s what every magazine boils the practice down to. Even though there’s so much more to it. But when most people are asked what they want out of practicing yoga, that’s actually what they say they’re after. Who am I to judge. If you follow me, you know that meditation is my […]
READ MOREFlying Warrior Alignment + Weights
Ok, so there’s a little debate on what Flying Warrior pose actually is, but the one I’m teaching you is the version I was taught – so I’m sticking with it. : ) The key here? Think updog as you fold forward halfway, keeping your front body open and engaging your core a TON! I take you through it step by […]
READ MOREChair Pose Alignment and Weights Variation
Well, they don’t call it “Awkward Chair” for nothing! If you struggle keeping aligned in this squat-like position then I’ve got some great alignment tips for you. Once you get the basics of where your knees and tailbone should be, see if you can focus on bringing your shoulders back toward your hips to challenge […]
READ MORETriangle Pose Alignment and Weights Bonus
Sometimes going back to basics is the best thing for your yoga practice. Revisiting a pose that you’ve been doing for years with a fresh set of alignment instructions can help you go deeper, activate with more attention and find that steady and comfortable breath we aim for in each pose. Here I give you […]
READ MOREWarrior 1 Yoga with Weights
Warrior 1 is an amazing pose for stretching and strengthening the lower body, but why should your body below the belt get all the attention? By doing yoga with weights you can target your upper body too. In this variation, we add an overhead press, using light weights, that not only helps build strength in […]
READ MORETree Pose + Bicep Curl
If you’ve been doing the same ‘ol tree pose for months, or even years, it’s time to kick it up a notch and challenge your balance while building upper body strength with this yoga with weights move. Yes, it takes a ton of core strength to balance in the traditional version, but once you add some […]
READ MOREYoga for Tight Hips
Got tight hips? Sitting at your desk all day, playing driver to your kids for hours, or traveling for work with zero legroom can leave you longing for a 10-minute, pigeon pose savasana. Yep, you can do a pigeon pose or two, but if you really want to open them up and get strong at […]
READ MOREThe Best 7 minute Yoga with Weights workout
I love doing long, sweaty, yoga with weights online videos, and I also love going on an hour bike ride by the ocean to get my heart pumping. But there are days when I’ve got a gazillion things to do and the last thing I think I’ve got time for is a workout- you too? […]
READ MOREThe Top 9 Benefits of Strength Training
I know, cardio might be your jam at the gym and you find yourself searching out power yoga classes to get your heart rate up, but if you’re solely focusing on cardio when you work out then you may be, ahem, just spinning your wheels. Study after study shows that strength training is where it’s […]